
Dr. Dennis Wegner

Fakultät für Geistes- und Kulturwissenschaften
Anglistik / Amerikanistik
Gaußstr. 20
42119 Wuppertal

Raum: O 09.24
Tel: 0202 439 2937 / 2363
Fax: 0202 439 2963
E-Mail: dwegner[at]

Sprechstunde von Dr. Dennis Wegner

Sprechstunden in der Vorlesungszeit:

Donnerstag, 11-12 Uhr

Sprechstunden in der vorlesungsfreien Zeit:

Donnerstag, 15.2., 11-12 Uhr
Donnerstag, 29.2., 11-12 Uhr
Donnerstag, 7.3., 11-12 Uhr
Mittwoch, 3.4., 11-12 Uhr

(Alternativ können Sie sich gerne auch per Mail für eine individuell zu terminierende Zoom-Sprechstunde anmelden.)



(lexikalische und syntaktische) Kategorien, syntaktische Merkmale, Argumentstruktur, Ereignisstruktur, Aspekt, Verbalkomplexe, die Lexikon-(Morphologie-)Syntax Schnittstelle, Spracherwerb, Grammatikalisierung, Sprachverarbeitung



Weitere Informationen

Vorträge & Präsentationen:
01.02.2024: Children benefit from linguistic knowledge without transfer (Together with Natascha Müller & Laia Arnaus). Optionality and Variation in Multilingual Syntax IV, University of Wuppertal (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Wuppertal (Germany).
31.01.2024: Collaborating grammars: beneficial co-activitation in multilingual minds (Together with Leah Bauke). Optionality and Variation in Multilingual Syntax IV, University of Wuppertal (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Wuppertal (Germany).
07.12.2023: Double Modals in German and English (Together with Leah Bauke). Wuppertaler Linguistisches Forum, University of Wuppertal (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Wuppertal (Germany).  
07.07.2023: The discourse-anchoring of root participles and closely related configurations. Language in Social Interaction (LISI2023), University of Wuppertal (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Wuppertal (Germany).
25.05.2023: Should you might know this? – Double modals in L2 English. (Together with Leah Bauke). Optionality and Variation in Multilingual Syntax III, University of Wuppertal (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Wuppertal (Germany).
05.05.2023: The interplay of φ-specified and/or θ-marked subjects and IAs: tapping into verbal domains (virtual poster presentation). West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 41), University of California, Santa Cruz (USA).*
15.12.2022: Hingesetzt und aufgepasst! Erledigt! – Imperative und deklarative Wurzelpartizipien: verbal und/oder adjektivisch? [Imperative and declarative root participles: verbal and/or adjectival?] Wuppertaler Linguistisches Forum, University of Wuppertal (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Wuppertal (Germany).
06.10.2022: Microvariation and (non-)facilitative transfer: the role of morphological cues in the L2 acquisition of verbal clusters. Optionality and Variation in Multilingual Syntax II, University of Wuppertal (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Wuppertal (Germany).
16.06.2022: Verbal and adjectival participles in imperative and declarative root configurations. Workshop on Aspect and Argument Structure of Adverbs/Adjectives and Prepositions/Participles (WAASAP V, 10th anniversary), University of Greenwich, London (UK).*
10.06.2022: The acquisition of passive(s) in multilingual minds. Arctic MSCA-PF Workshop, University of Tromsø (Universitetet i Tromsø (UiT) – Norges arktiske universitet), Tromsø (Norway).
14.01.2022: Variation within and without: the case of verbal complexes. Optionality and Variation in Multilingual Syntax, University of Wuppertal (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Wuppertal (Germany). [This conference had to be rescheduled from April 2020 to January 2022 in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.]
22.05.2021: The converging grammaticalisation paths of passive and perfect participles: deriving eventive past participles from decausative resultatives. Diachronic Generative Syntax 2021, University of Konstanz (Universität Konstanz), Konstanz (Germany).* [This conference had to be rescheduled from May 2020 to May 2021 in order to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.]
04.03.2020: Introduction. (Together with Leah Bauke.) DGfS 42: Theoretical approaches to grammatical (non-)identity in synchrony and diachrony (AG 6), University of Hamburg (Universität Hamburg), Hamburg (Germany).
05.12.2019: All roads lead to eventive past participles: on similarities and contrasts in the grammaticalisation of passive and perfect(ive) participles in Germanic and Romance. Variation and Change in the Verb Phrase, University of Oslo (Universitetet i Oslo), Oslo (Norway).
14.11.2019: The role of temporal cues in verb cluster reordering: Evidence from processing times in optionality contexts. (Joint work with Marcel Schlechtweg & Holden Härtl.) Processing Tense: Linguistic Theory Meets Empirical Evidence, University of Tübingen (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen), Tübingen (Germany).
10.12.2018: ‘Weak’ grammatical aspect: At the interface of aspect and event structure. Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics (BCGL) 11: The Syntax and Semantics of Aspect. CRISSP, KU Leuven – Brussels Campus (Catholic University of Leuven), Brussels (Belgium).
09.11.2018: The (early) availability of future and perfect information in verbal clusters: Implications for the compositional semantics of composite tenses. (Joint work with Marcel Schlechtweg & Holden Härtl.) Event Semantics Workshop 2018, Heidelberg University (Universität Heidelberg), Heidelberg (Germany).
14.06.2018: The parameterisation of past participial (non-)identity. Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to Microvariation (TEAM 2018), University of Padova (Università degli Studi di Padova), Padova (Italy).
08.06.2018: The (non-)identity of passive and perfect(ive) participles and its parameterisation. Workshop on Aspect and Argument Structure of Adverbs/Adjectives and Prepositions/Participles (WAASAP IV), Pompeu Fabra University (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Barcelona (Spain).
07.02.2018: The categorial indeterminacy of past participles. Workshop zur Verabschiedung von AOR Dr. Thilo Tappe, University of Wuppertal (Bergische Universität Wuppertal), Wuppertal (Germany).
12.09.2017: The properties of perfect(ive) and (eventive) passive participles: an identity approach. Societas Linguistica Europaea 50 - Workshop 19: Participles: form, use and meaning, University of Zurich (Universität Zürich), Zürich (Switzerland).
28.04.2017: Weil man es sonst nicht rechtzeitig wird/hat interpretieren können? AUX-V order and the recoverability of temporal information. Broader Perspectives on Word Order in the VP, University of Bielefeld (Universität Bielefeld), Bielefeld (Germany).
22.04.2017: Past participial non-identity in Germanic: the exceptional status of the Swedish supine. Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC 23), University of Texas at Austin (USA).
14.03.2017: What makes a perfect perfect(ive)? Recoverability and the semantics of HAVE (Posterpräsentation). Generative Linguistics in the Old World (GLOW) 40 - Workshop II: Compositionality at the Interfaces, Leiden University (Universiteit Leiden), Leiden (Netherlands).
13.06.2016: Past participial identity in periphrases – and beyond? Workshop on Aspect and Argument Structure of Adjectives and Participles (WAASAP III), University of Lille (Université de Lille), Lille (France).
20.05.2016: Deriving perfect and passive from a single form? Past participial identity in Germanic. Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC) 22, University of Iceland (Háskóli Íslands), Reykjavík (Iceland).

Wegner, Dennis. to appear. The interplay of θ-marked and (and φ-restricted) subjects and IAs: new insights from participial imperatives. Proceedings of WCCFL 41: 1–9.
Wegner, Dennis. to appear. Root participles: directive, commissive, expressive and representative participles in Germanic. Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 26: 1–52.
Wegner, Dennis, Schlechtweg, Marcel & Härtl, Holden. 2022. Optionality and the recovery of temporal information in German verb clusters. Linguistische Berichte 270: 113-170.
Wegner, Dennis. 2021. The categorial, argument structural and aspectual indeterminacy of past participles: a holistic approach. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 40(2): 199-249.
Wegner, Dennis. 2019a. The properties of perfect(ive) and (eventive) passive participles: An identity approach. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 4(1): 34. Special collectionParticiples: Form, Use and Meaning.
Wegner, Dennis. 2019b. The Underspecification of Past Participles. On the Identity of Passive and Perfect(ive) Participles. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. [Studia grammatica 83] [Review by Ionuţ Geană in Revue roumaine de linguistique 2020, 2: 203f.]
Wegner, Dennis. 2017. The exceptional status of the Swedish supine: on the parametric variation of past participial (non-)identity. Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 99: 1-29.
Breul, Carsten & Wegner, Dennis. 2017. German and English past participles in perfect and passive contexts: an identity view. Sprachwissenschaft 42;1: 1-58.

Wegner, Dennis. 2017. Cecchetto, Carlo & Donati, Caterina. 2015. (Re)labeling. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. In: Linguistische Berichte 252: 499-508.


- seit 11/2018 Akademischer Rat (auf Zeit) in der anglistischen Sprachwissenschaft an der BUW
- 03/2018-10/2018 Lehrkraft für besondere Aufgaben in der anglistischen Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Kassel
- 2017 Promotion in Allgemeiner Sprachwissenschaft ("The Identity of Past Participles in Passive and Perfect Constructions"; Publikation in Studia Grammatica)
- 10/2015-10/2018 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter im Mentorenprogramm der Anglistik/Amerikanistik (QPL) an der BUW
- 07/2014-03/2018 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter Anglistik/Amerikanistik (Linguistik) an der BUW
- SoSe 2013-SoSe 2014 Lehrbeauftrager Anglistik/Amerikanistik an der BUW
- 2012 Master of Arts Anglistik/Amerikanistik (Profil: Linguistik) an der BUW
- 02/2011-06/2014 Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (WHF/WHK) bei Prof. Dr. Carsten Breul an der BUW
- 2010 Kombinatorischer Bachelor of Arts in den Fächern Germanistik & Anglistik an der BUW
- 2006 Abitur


WiSe 2023/2024 Contrastive Grammar & The Verbal Domain: Argument and Event Structure
SoSe 2023 Grundlagenseminar Syntax & Grundlagenseminar Semantik
WiSe 2022/2023 Grundlagenseminar Syntax & Contrastive Grammar
SoSe 2022 Grundlagenseminar Syntax & Grundlagenseminar Semantik
WiSe 2021/2022 Grundlagenseminar Syntax & Contrastive Grammar
SoSe 2021 Grundlagenseminar Syntax & Diachronic Syntax
WiSe 2020/2021 Introduction to Linguistics & Diachronic Syntax
SoSe 2020 Grundlagenseminar Syntax & Contrastive Grammar
WiSe 2019/2020 Parametric Variation in the History of English & Grundlagenseminar Semantik
SoSe 2019 Grundlagenseminar Syntax & Grundlagenseminar Semantik [beide an der BUW], Tense and Aspect in English and German [Blockseminar an der Universität Kassel]
WiSe 2018/2019 Diachronic Syntax, Contrastive Grammar [beide an der Universität Kassel], Grundlagenseminar Syntax, Introduction to Linguistics [beide an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal]
SoSe 2018 Passive and Perfect Periphrases, Research Methods in Linguistics, Introduction to Syntax, Introduction to Semantics [alle an der Universität Kassel] & 2x Grundlagenseminar Semantik [beide an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal]
WiSe 2017/2018 Grundlagenseminar Syntax & Grammaticalization and Syntactic Change
SoSe 2017 Grundlagenseminar Syntax & Tense and Aspect in English and German (Contrastive Grammar)
WiSe 2016/2017 Grundlagenseminar Syntax & Past Participles in English and German (Contrastive Grammar)
SoSe 2016 Introduction to Linguistics & Contrastive Grammar
WiSe 2015/2016 Introduction to Linguistics, Grundlagenseminar Syntax & Grundlagenseminar Semantik
SoSe 2015 Grundlagenseminar Syntax & Grundlagenseminar Semantik
WiSe 2014/2015 Grundlagenseminar Syntax
SoSe 2014 Grundlagenseminar Syntax
WiSe 2013/2014 Introduction to Linguistics
SoSe 2013 Grundlagenseminar Syntax

ID: [119], 159541 Besucher seit 29.4.2011

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